Essay writing review
A Good Topic For A Argumentative Research Paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin and Legal Bias free essay sample
This article is a decent predisposition source particularly in light of the fact that it is about these two men who have both various races. All of which clarifies why neither side in the Martin/Zimmerman adventure is shielding the fundamental reasonableness of our legal framework. Both concur that America’s courts are one-sided. They simply differ about whom they’re one-sided against. â€Å"We experience a daily reality such that there isn’t equivalent equity. This case never, could never have been brought if the races were reversed,†said one TV savant the day after the decision. Al Sharpton? No, Ann Coulter, contending that America’s legal framework is enormously slanted against whites. â€Å"If Floridians are of a psyche to let off a little steam, they may conveniently torch the Sanford town hall and salt the earth. The equity framework uncovered by this abhorrent preliminary merits revolting over,†included a notable feature writer. Cornel West? No, National Review’s Mark Steyn, contending that the preliminary was ludicrously inclined against Zimmerman. We will compose a custom exposition test on George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin and Legal Bias or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The writer, Peter Beinart, is writer of The Crisis of Zionism (Times Books, 2012) and supervisor of the Daily Beast blog, Open Zion, which cultivates an open and unafraid discussion about Israel, Palestine and the Jewish future. He is likewise Associate Professor of Journalism and Political Science at The City University of New York, Senior Political Writer for The Daily Beast-Newsweek, and a Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation. His first book, The Good Fight: Why Liberalsâ€and Only Liberalsâ€Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again, was distributed by HarperCollins in 2006. His subsequent book, The Icarus Syndrome: A History of American Hubris, was distributed by HarperCollins in 2010. He lives in New York with his significant other and two kids. I found that in this article I could concur upon when he had referenced about our administration framework particularly of today that we have a dark majority rule president while our republicans are for the most part whites. He expressed his is the thing that the discussion over Saturday’s decision is extremely about. It’s another clash between those high contrast Democrats who accept bigotry stays a grave issue and those white Republicans who think political accuracy is a greater one. It’s not simply that most Republicans don’t stress a lot over victimization blacks. They’re progressively stressed over victimization whites. As per a 2011 review by the Public Religion Research Institute, just about 66% of Tea Party supporters think about oppression whites as large an issue as victimization blacks. Individuals who consider Fox News their most believed news source are twice as liable to consider â€Å"reverse discrimination†a â€Å"critical†issue as they are to feel that path about the good old, white-on-dark kind. My supposition on his subject or article s that it most firmly impacts is with ethnicity because of the way that George Zimmerman is a half-blood white. I haven’t seen any kind of generalizing on the grounds that for this situation I am neither consent to the majority rule or republican way. Reference: Beinart, P. (2013, 07). george zimmerman, trayvon marti and lawful predisposition. Recovered 07, 2013, from
Friday, August 21, 2020
Coyote Blue Chapter 25~26
Section 25 Wheels, Deals, and the Persistance of Visions Las Vegas Calliope sat in her vehicle shuddering and viewing. She was stopped up the road from a Vegas Harley-Davidson shop where she had once gone with Lonnie on a conveyance for the Guild. The road was abandoned, and dull aside from the odd sparkle of neon in the window of a shut second hand store. Litter moved in dust fallen angels of desert wind that had developed cold as the night progressed. Calliope nestled into the driver's seat and attempted to cover herself with one of Grubb's covers. The smell that fell off the cover, a blend of sharp milk and sweet child, made her pitiful, and despite the fact that she had quit breastfeeding months prior, her bosoms hurt for her child. She got some movement somewhere off to the side: two makes sense of happening to a rear entryway onto the walkway: men. They were strolling toward the vehicle. Calliope slid down in the driver's seat. The mother intuition, the sentiment of upright power that had filled her when she had come here, was releasing ceaselessly. At the present time she was not securing her kid; she was apprehensive for herself. As the men moved toward she saw that they were youthful endures, strutting with their own ability to brutality, even as they stumbled from the impact of some beverage or medication. She slid more distant down in the seat, and when their shadows fell over the vehicle's hood she bent down and secured herself with Grubb's cover. She heard their strides scratch and stop at the vehicle, heard their voices over her. â€Å"Check out this motherfucker.†â€Å"Some tall dollars here †there's a fantastic in tires on this thing.†â€Å"Pop the hood.†Calliope heard somebody attempting to open the entryway. â€Å"Locked.†â€Å"Hang on a moment, I saw a block back a ways.†Strides away. The vehicle shook with the kept yanking at the entryway handle. Calliope could hear the keys swinging in the start. The subsequent man was returning. Her breath got. She sat tight for the accident. Sweat streamed down her temple and trickled onto the gearshift handle. â€Å"No man, not the windshield. You can't drive it with a messed up windshield.†â€Å"Oh, right.†Calliope prepared herself for the effect of the block, at that point something in her brain shouted NO! Her feet were still on the pedals. She pushed the grip and gas to the floor, connected from under the cover, and turned the key. The Z thundered to life, roared, at that point shouted as she held the gas to the floor. She sat up and looked at the two alarmed men, who were falling down a couple of feet away. Right away their unexpected went to outrage and the taller of the two raised the block. Calliope popped the grip and battled to keep the vehicle straight as the tires consumed off on the black-top. She heard a boisterous break behind her and felt splinters of glass hit her from behind. She power-changed through three gears, turning over the tires and kicking the vehicle sideways with each pummel of the shifter. When she chilled out the gas the speedometer was undermining 110. There was a pounding originating from the motor and a piercing crying originating from some place. She investigated the rearview mirror to see the gap in the back window and, behind it, blazing red and blue police lights. She dithered just long enough to lose Grubb's sweeping her shoulders, at that point hammered the Z into third, stunned it, and said a snappy petition to Kali the Destroyer. - =*=-If Lonnie Ray Inman had ever constructed the association that at whatever point he read the words American Standard, explained in cornflower blue against white porcelain, he felt an unexpected inclination to pee, he may have comprehended why Grubb, after observing white plastic packs heaped randomly on the inn room floor, crept obstinately to, and zoomed joyfully on, twenty thousand dollars of methamphetamine. To Grubb, the groups looked like Pampers, a fine and private spot to pee. â€Å"Jesus Christ, Cheryl,†Lonnie shouted. â€Å"He crept out of his diaper. Wouldn't you be able to watch out for him for a screwing minute?†â€Å"Fuck you. You watch him, stud. He's your kid.†Cheryl tossed a cushion at Lonnie as she raged stripped into the restroom. â€Å"You were the one that said you'd make a decent mother. Toss me a towel.†Cheryl remained before the mirror working her jaw to and fro. â€Å"Get your own towel. I think you messed up my jaw.†â€Å"I did? I didn't do shit.†â€Å"That's the issue, isn't it?†Cheryl had been lolling Lonnie's flabbiness around in her mouth for 60 minutes, attempting to get a response out of him, when she heard a sharp split in her correct ear and felt an agonizing grinding in the rear of her jaw. Lonnie got a towel ready to move and went to where Grubb was joyfully sprinkling ceaselessly on the medications. Lonnie got the child and put him on the bed, at that point returned to clear off the bundles. â€Å"Oh, Christ. Cheryl, tidy up the child, will you?†â€Å"Fuck off.†Lonnie raged into the restroom and snatched her by the hair, yanking her head back until she was gazing up at him. He addressed her through gritted teeth. â€Å"You tidy up the child now or I'll snap your screwing neck. You understand?†He yanked her head back further. €Å"i must turn this poop promptly in the first part of the day and afterward ride to South Dakota, and I have to make some screw rest. On the off chance that I need to execute you to get it I will. You understand?†He loosened up his grasp on her hair and she gestured. Tears gushed in her eyes. He hauled her out of the washroom and tossed her on the bed with Grubb, at that point tossed the towel in her face. â€Å"Now tidy up the kid.†Lonnie took another towel and cleaned every one of the bundles before pressing them into Grubb's diaper pack. Cheryl moved Grubb over and dried his base. â€Å"Last time I get away with you,†she said. â€Å"No betting, flake-outs, no screwing. I said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She took a gander at him. â€Å"No fu-†The word trapped in her throat. He was pointing his gun at her head. - =*=-Until he saw the orange 280Z rocket by him, the cop imagined that the most exceedingly awful thing he would need to manage on this move was not smoking. He was wearing a fix to his left side shoulder that should take care of nicotine into his blood to shield him from wanting cigarettes, however the desire to smoke was still there, so he battled it by eating doughnuts. He'd increased ten pounds in seven days, and he was pondering over imagining a doughnut fix when the games vehicle thundered by him. Without much forethought, he butted a half-eaten cruller in the ashtray, hit the lights and alarm, and pulled out in interest. The Z previously had around eight squares on him and he evaluated it was doing around a hundred. He was going after the radio to call ahead for help when a dark Mercedes pulled out from a side road before him. He hammered on the brakes and tossed the cruiser sideways, carrying it to a prevent not ten feet from sway. The Mercedes was at a dead quit, blocking the two paths. The cop viewed the Z's taillights blur out there on the opposite side. He murdered the alarm and changed the radio to the open location framework. â€Å"Get out of the vehicle, now!†He stood by however nobody escaped the vehicle. Truth be told, he was unable to see a driver by any means, yet the Mercedes was all the while running. He thought about calling for reinforcement, at that point chose to deal with it himself. He ventured out of the cruiser with his firearm drawn, cautious to remain behind the vehicle entryway. â€Å"You, in the Mercedes, get out slowly.†He saw something move in the vehicle, yet it didn't resemble an individual. Holding his pistol at prepared, he sparkled his electric lamp at the vehicle. Development, yet no driver. He saw three prospects. The driver was oblivious, or was standing by to strip away when he moved away from the cruiser, or was lying in hold up with a shotgun to blow his brains out. He concluded it is most secure to accept the last, and moving along without any more notice he crawled to a spot simply under the open driver's-side window. He heard a scratching sound simply over his head and came up, weapon first, to get a brief look at the back finish of the skunk similarly as it splashed him in the face. As he cleaned his eyes he heard giggling and the Mercedes pulling ceaselessly. - =*=-Clyde, proprietor of Clyde's Cash for Your Car, stated, â€Å"No offense, boss, yet you don't see numerous Indians in Mercedes.†He kicked a tire and twisted down to take a gander at the lines of the paint work for indications of bodywork, keeping a hand on his head to consistent his toupee. â€Å"Looks clean.†â€Å"It's a decent car,†Coyote said. Clyde limited his eyes and grinned. Clyde had seen excessively much sun in his sixty years and this tricky grin, what he used to call his ;gotcha; look, made him resemble an old Chinese lady. â€Å"And you have the title, right, chief?†â€Å"Title?†â€Å"That's what I thought.†Clyde ventured up to Coyote, his head about level with the cheat's sternum. â€Å"Are you a police officer, or are you working in the administration of any law-authorization agency?†â€Å"Nope.†â€Å"Well at that point, we should do some business.†Clyde smiled. â€Å"Now, you and I realize that we could broil eggs on this vehicle, am I right? Obviously I am. Also, you're not from around here, or you'd have your own associations and wouldn't be here, am I right? Obviously I am. Also, you would prefer not to take this vehicle out on the interstate where the state watch would spot it as hot in a second? No, you don't.†He stopped for impact, just to ensure everybody realized he was in charge. â€Å"I'll give you 5,000 dollars for it.†â€Å"Not enough,†said Coyote. â€Å"Look, this vehicle has a machine that reveals to you where you are.†Clyde looked inside the Mercedes at the route framework, at that point shrugged. â€Å"Chief, you see all these cars?†Clyde signaled to twelve vehicles on his part. Coyote glanced around and gestured. â€Å"Well, every one of these vehicles got something that will te
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
As senior year approaches,Many choices I foresee.But one decision I have made.College is for me.Do I go or do I stay,Travel far or near?The great Northwest or sunny South?I think I'll stay 'round here.Is size to be considered too?A large school with much more,Or just a small and cozy one,Knowing all who pass my door?Would I like a private schoolWith a prestigious name?Or how about a public one,Perhaps they're both the same.Should I choose the countryOr is city life just right?Nature's abounding beauty,Or the view of neon lights?Do I compete or maybe not?Are sports the way to go?Or do I only concentrateOn things I need to know?Mixtures, blends, a melting potWith much diversity?This choice is the easy oneIt's where I want to be.The choices are so manyDecisive I must be.I'll just have faith that pretty soonOne school will be for me.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
John F. Kennedy Essay - 586 Words
John F. Kennedy The election of 1959/1960 was one of the closest fought elections of all time. Although this sounds like a good thing it is not as this means that just under half of the American voting population did not want Kennedy to be president of America and this was a an image and credit problem for Kennedy. The main reason that Kennedy got into power was because of the black population. He promised his black voters a civil rights policy and an end to poverty and segregation. The main problem that he faced on these fronts was his own party. Kennedys party was opposed to spending money on pretty much anything as later he would find out especially spending money on the black community†¦show more content†¦John F Kennedys brother Robert Kennedy (Attorney General) was waging war on the mafia especially on the big mafia bosses that had taken a stranglehold on the poverty stricken parts of the states and because of this the mafia had vowed revenge if you remove a dogs tail the head will bite you but if you remove a dogs head the tail will die to. Often the mafia are connected with the killing of JFK because of statements like this that were made. Kennedy Coursework Assignment ============================= 4. After JFks death his reputation grew immensely for many different reasons. The first and one of the biggest reasons in my view was because of the presidents that cam after him. After Kennedy came LBJ although at first LBJ was not a bad president start of with as he used his honeymoon period well to finish Kennedys work his downfall was the Vietnam War. Although LBJ did not bring the USA into the war it was seen as his war. This led to his resignation due to the failure of the war and the number of young Americans that died in the war. The following president was Nixon and at the outset he was not a bad president either and was looking for peace, but in the end the truth came out and so did the truth about the Watergate scandal.Show MoreRelatedJohn F. Kennedy983 Words  | 4 PagesThe first Roman Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, fought through many hardships. Becoming the president at the age of 43, he went through many difficult trials to get that role due to his relig ion and health. Although he died early, he still managed to go beyond his presidential duties and accomplished a lot during his short term. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. Ever since he was little, he has had very poor health. He suffered from a variety of diseasesRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy 1158 Words  | 5 PagesAssassination, and Legacy of John F. Kennedy written by Dean R. Owen is a series of reflections of people who knew and admired John F. Kennedy. Most people in the book discuss where they were the day of his assassination, their reaction, and how it affected everything and everyone around them. Others speak about what kind of leader Kennedy was, the legacy he left behind, and how when he died the country was never the same. Owen writes about people who once worked for Kennedy as well as his goodRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy1635 Words  | 7 PagesPresident John F. Kennedy once said â€Å"The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission†. Whether this statement was meant to describe the circumstances of the Cold War, or to display reasons for the use of the atomic bomb, these simple words brought understanding to the American people. That is, until the assassinationRead MoreAnalysis Of John F. Kennedy892 Words  | 4 PagesAdam Frankowski Mr. Vollmer English 12A 11 October 2015 Rough Draft- John F. Kennedy â€Å"And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.†Quotes like this earned John F. Kennedy the respect of a nation and the reputation as a great leader. His life is a major part of United States history for all that he contributed. John F. Kennedy is considered a hero for his memorable actions during his navy career, his ability to easeRead More John F. Kennedy Essay979 Words  | 4 PagesJohn F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy was one of the greatest presidents of the twentieth century. He united almost the entire nation under a common goal; the Moon. His charisma could turn skeptics into believers, and strengthen the bond between himself and his supporters. He had so much charisma because he used many rhetorical devices in his speeches, the same rhetorical devices that have been wooing crowds of people since the time of Rome. One of his most memorable speeches he gave was at RiceRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1176 Words  | 5 PagesJohn F. Kennedy did a lot for our country although his presidential term was cut short. He had a certain allure to him that Americans liked. Kennedy knew what to do to gain the votes of all different types of voters no matter their age, race, or religion. His campaign and presidency have inspired even today’s presidents and presidential candidates in multiple ways. John F. Kennedy was a spectacular man and president that brought a fresh feel t o America and who left a legacy that will never be forgottenRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy980 Words  | 4 PagesBorn in 1917, John F. Kennedy grew up in a wealthy family with influence both politically, and economically. His grandfather was a famous politician, his father a billionaire, and his brothers he grew up with would go on to become well known politicians. Growing up in a family like this, it would appear hard to distinguish yourself, however, JFK would go on to surpass them all by becoming the 35th, and perhaps most beloved president of the United States. As president JFK was popular. He was youngRead MoreAnalysis Of John F. Kennedy1589 Words  | 7 Pages History Project John F. Kennedy was one of the most dynamic and inspiring presidents the country would ever know of. His leadership was impeccable and he motivated people by his charm and charisma. He had several qualities that made him so applauded by people. One of these qualities is the quality of his speech that made him the hero of the country. Not just his country was enchanted with his speeches but also the whole world felt a lot of connection with the words Kennedy spoke. Speech is oneRead MoreThe Legacy of John F. Kennedy1129 Words  | 5 PagesPresidents relate in life and none in death. Most people know John F. Kennedy as the 35th President of the United States, the youngest president, and one of fewest presidents that was killed. But what was JFKs legacy? JFK was born on May, 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, a quiet, clam suburb in Boston. As a child John F. Kennedy was mostly referred to the name Jack, by friends and family. His parents, Rose and Joseph Kennedy were too involved with social rank and their place in BostonsRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy1738 Words  | 7 Pages President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Our Nation’s 35th President Andrew Hogenson History 112 June 15, 2015 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the USA and served at that position only for three years as at the end of the third year he was assassinated in Texas. Even though his presidential term was not long, it was significant, mostly with the strong opposition against the USSR (in a person of its Prime Minister of that time, Nikita Khrushchev). President Kennedy’s name is associated
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sojourner Truth - Ex-slave and Fiery Abolitionist Essay
Sojourner Truth - Ex-slave and Fiery Abolitionist According to many sources â€Å"Ain’t I a Woman?†is Sojourner Truths most recognized impromptu speech. The speech was given at a women’s rights convention in Akron, Ohio in 1851. Frances Gage, a feminist activist and author, recorded the event. The speech was published more than twelve years later in 1863. Frances Gage reported that Truth encountered hissing and hostility as she began to speak. Yet there is much debate and conflicting reports on how she was received. According to Carleton Mabee, â€Å"Gages account is not consistent with other reports written immediately after the speech†(Delivered). Contrary to Gage’s reports, it is reported that Truth did not encounter hostility,†¦show more content†¦She escaped the bondage of slavery in the 1820’s and gained legal freedom in the year 1827. â€Å"A deeply religious woman, Isabella took the name Sojourner Truth after God spoke to her†(Sojourner). She was convinced that God had called her to preach throughout the country, spreading the truth. Sojourner Truth was a figure of imposing physique. â€Å"She was more than six feet tall and built like a linebacker with huge muscles from working in the fields†(Newsweek). She was a riveting preacher and spellbinding singer who dazzled listeners with her wit and originality. She ended her famous speech with, â€Å"Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner aint got nothing more to say. (Newsweek) Truth was an illiterate woman of remarkable intelligence. Sojourner became a national symbol for not only strong black women, but to white women as well. She helped all women who were unhappy with the limitations imposed upon them. She was one of the most outspoken advocates, active in both the campaign to extend equal rights to all women and abolition (America). She is also known for other moving statements such as â€Å"An abolition affair! and Womans rights and niggers! (Biographical) She also â€Å"put protestors in their place†(Newsweek). I believe that most Americans today feel women have the same rights as men. They believe that women now have equal rights, but do they really? In many cases women do have equal rights. TheyShow MoreRelatedSojourner Truth By Nell Irvin1257 Words  | 6 PagesSojourner Truth is an ex-slave and fiery abolitionist who dazzles listeners with her wit and originality. She is straight talking and unsentimental, Truth became a national symbol for strong black woman. Like Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, she is regarded as a radical of immense and enduring influence; however, she is more remembered more for her myths than her personality. In the book, Sojourner Truth A Life, A Symbol, the author Nell Irvin Painter, goes beyond the myths, words, and photographs
The American Economy Credit or Bust free essay sample
A look at how the creation of credit in the U.S. economy has been hugely compounded over time and why credit is the defining aspect of our financial system. Looking coursework writing service? Go to page This paper explores the aspect of credit in Americas financial system and traces the path of credit from its origins. The author examines how the creation of credit in Americas economy has been greatly compounded over time and, now hugely prevalent, credit is the defining aspect of the national financial system. Today credit is more prevalent then ever before. Over three quarters of the American adult population have and use at least one credit card. However, along with this heavy reliance on credit comes a definite risk. Even as early as 1791 this threat was realized, the bank made a large impression on the economy within months of opening its doors in late 1791. We will write a custom essay sample on The American Economy: Credit or Bust or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Initially it flooded the market with its notes and credits, and then, in February 1792, it sharply reversed course and curtailed credit.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Roles of Men and Women in a Society Essay Example For Students
The Roles of Men and Women in a Society Essay The Roles of Men and Women in a Society There is a complexity in understanding the role of men and women in a society. Scientists and biologists are challenging themselves to explain the mental and behavioral processes of genders. Natalie Angier born and raised in New York writes â€Å"Men, Women, Sex and Darwin†an essay about evolutionary psychology and the misleading perceptions it has women. She focuses on five topics that the theory argues proving them wrong, and using them for support. The first area the theory introduces â€Å"men are more promiscuous and less sexually reserved than women are†(30). Evolutionary psychology proposes that men are always after sex. They explicitly say men hold a special force attracting them to sex which women cannot fully comprehend. Angier explains that men can be open about their sexual life, unlike women who are impacted by culture and society. Women are judged as â€Å"either chaste or trampy†(35) a woman is seen as pure or a slut. Since the beginning of time women are looked down upon when regarding their sex life. Harassment of women based on their sex life is due to religious and/or cultural influence, which has a stronghold over American society. We will write a custom essay on The Roles of Men and Women in a Society specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Relating back to Christianity, if you are a virgin it means you are pure and clean, on the other hand if you are not then you are dirty and considered a lower class. I agree that women have the same sex drive that men do, but due to society and culture, women feel unconfident and unwilling to show it. I believe that it is not because â€Å"women supposedly have a lower sex drive than men do†(36) but that they have more precaution of become pregnant. Men have this need to have multiple sex partners for their own confidence. I agree with Angier that men have this competition with other males to see who can get more women. They do this for their need to be dominating other males. The ability of a men attaining more females boosts their self-motivation and satisfaction. Evo-psychos’ second interest is that â€Å"men are naturally attracted to youth and beauty†(30). The theory says that men are attracted to these women because of child bearing. It also says that a healthier younger woman will be able to carry his children. I disagree with this reason, I think that media influences what we expect from people. Unconsciously in our society we are brainwashed by magazines, TV and advertisements, to tells us how we should be and who we are attracted to. If a young child plays with Barbie’s, it automatically gives her the stereotype of how she is theoretical to look like when she is older. Women constantly have an urge in our society to be thin, models and actors tell us how we are supposed to be. If we look at another society for example Africa, I found this article on the web about men attracted to fat women being another type of society. â€Å"They conducted a study in South Africa where fat women are preferred (like many other places) and theyve found correlation that relate to fertility, health, and even how hungry a guy is, due to evolutionary instincts. (Shaolin36). In the essay Angier quotes from Gowaty, â€Å"What pleases me might not please somebody else†(39) disagreeing with the evolutionary psychology theory. Depending on where a person is from, how culture and society influenced them will determine whom they are attracted to. The third statement that evolutionary psychology has made is â€Å"women are in herently more interested in a stable relationship than men are†(30). They perceive that women want someone who will provide for them, and be able to take responsibilities in control. 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This fourth statement applies also to the second, â€Å"women are naturally attracted to high-status men with resources†(30) demonstrating Darwin’s â€Å"survival for the fittest’ in action. For a woman to find a man with the right resources it will lead her to peruse a child with him. If a man has more money and a stable job, then the woman knows she has a provider and her children will be cared after. If a women were to settle with someone of lower rank than her unable to support a family, then that would no satisfy the needs of h er life and goals. The last topic evolutionary psychology brings up is how â€Å"humankind’s core preferences and desires were hammered out long, long ago†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (30). Evo-psychology tells us that since ancestral time men have been dominant over women. Generally, women come across upon as being quiet and nurturing, whereas men are shown with strength and dominance. A man has always been the dominating sex, dating back to the Stone Age. During that period, several thousands of years ago, the male has been the one who would go out hunting, and battle. Women are seen as a â€Å"care-taker†and making sure that the group was satisfied. Even today in our society we see how men still dominates our world. If we take a look of all the people who have impact on big decisions, their all male. Researchers are still analyzing why genders behave and act the way they do. Angier has put together her essay clarifying her reasoning’s to the theories that evolutionary psychologist have came up with. Work Cited 1. Angier, Natalie. â€Å"Men, Women, Sex, and Darwin. †50 Essays. Ed. Denise B. Wydra. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford, 2007. (29-41). Print. 2. Shaolin36. â€Å"untitled†. DearCupi. ORG. â€Å"n. d†. Web. 5 October 2009.
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